Datapod will be a guest speaker at the 2nd Annual Finance and Investment Forum to be held in Sydney tomorrow 13 November 2013.
The forum is the only event in the sector to focus on data centers as an asset class, and offers significant networking value bringing together senior executives from investors, funds, operators, property specialists, legal counsel and user companies engaged in the sector with attendees from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the US.
The objective of the one-day forum is to bring together stakeholders and players in the sector across the finance and investment community, to assess data centers, hosting and cloud, identify key opportunities emerging in Australia, New Zealand and the wider Asia Pacific region, the types of finance available, mergers and acquisitions, debt versus risk and mezzanine financing. Discussion will also cover the different types of funders, lessons from the US and Europe, and financial and business model assumptions.
Datapod will be represented by Director Adam Smith. Mr Smith will make a presentation and contribution to the ‘Australia Market Roundtable: Emerging trends in Data Centres and Cloud’.
Mr Smith will also represent Datapod on the Middle East and Europe meeting and presentation series later this month.